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The Nest

A funny and acutely perceptive debut about four siblings and the fate of their ...
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How do the Plumb siblings' relationships evolve over the course of the novel. If you have siblings, have your relationships changed, or are the dynamics still fundamentally the same?

Created: 03/26/17

Replies: 9

Posted Mar. 26, 2017 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

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How do the Plumb siblings' relationships evolve over the course of the novel. If you have siblings, have your relationships changed, or are the dynamics still fundamentally the same?

How do the Plumb siblings' relationships — both with one another, and as a group vs. Leo, evolve over the course of the novel — and from adolescence to adulthood? If you have brothers or sisters, have your relationships changed, or are the dynamics still fundamentally the same?

Posted Apr. 03, 2017 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

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RE: How do the Plumb siblings' relationships evolve over the course of the novel. If you have siblings, have your relationships changed, or are the dynamics still fundamentally the same?

As the siblings mature and recognize reality, they begin to communicate more honestly with each other and with themselves - all except Leo. This creates the growth of the novel and, as a result, one of its strongest themes, as well. Of course, the same has occurred within my blood family as we have aged - and we live far from New York. This is, I believe, one of the keys to this novel's great success - it is true for nearly everyone, everywhere, in some respect. I have one sister who does not have the vaguest idea who I am because she is very self centered and another to whom I am more of a mother than a sister because she needs looked after. I have good relationships with both - but only as far as each of them is capable. I am content with that. Not all people are given the strength to look within and figure themselves out and grow from their struggles. I trust we are all doing the best we can do.

Posted Apr. 06, 2017 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

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RE: How do the Plumb siblings' relationships evolve over the course of the novel. If you have siblings, have your relationships changed, or are the dynamics still fundamentally the same?

It was interesting to see the evolution of the sibling dynamic. Initially, everyone seemed out for themselves but ultimately Leo's behavior forced the others to come together in a somewhat cohesive and more selfless family unit. In my own family, my relationship with my only sister has changed but only because of maturity. Our bond was always wonderful but our 6 year gap was always present. As she matured, so did our relationship. She is the rock I can lean on. Family is everything and she feels the same way I do. It's so comforting knowing you always have someone like that around.

Posted Apr. 06, 2017 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

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RE: How do the Plumb siblings' relationships evolve over the course of the novel. If you have siblings, have your relationships changed, or are the dynamics still fundamentally the same?

I love books about siblings - probably because I am one of four. It was fascinating to see how their relationships evolved... and how each perceives the other.
I think that's one of the most interesting things about sibling relationships - how you can grow up in the exact same home and turn out to have such different lives and become such different people!
Growing up, I was always extremely close to my siblings and today remain so, especially to the sister who lives closest to me.

Posted Apr. 07, 2017 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

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RE: How do the Plumb siblings' relationships evolve over the course of the novel. If you have siblings, have your relationships changed, or are the dynamics still fundamentally the same?

I think its interesting to think that each sibling in a family experiences a different childhood. That differences depends on birth order, relationships with the parents, and ordinary experiences. Have you ever been with a group of siblings recalling the same event, but in dramatically different ways? Everyone sees life though their own viewpoint. Then hopefully as adults you can understand how childhood events effected each sibling in a different way. So although they all seemed focused on the Trust, when that dream was gone, it allowed them to find a new way, one that actually brought 3 of them together. They found they could all function without Leo to lead the way.

Posted Apr. 12, 2017 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert
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RE: How do the Plumb siblings' relationships evolve over the course of the novel. If you have siblings, have your relationships changed, or are the dynamics still fundamentally the same?

I completely agree with Lina's post. As a mother of four, I am always amazed to listen to my adult kids talk about growing up. Their memories don't always match and can even differ wildly. Reading The Nest was sort of like listening to one of these conversations for me; I think it made me realize even more how my own kids' lives have grown and intertwined as they've matured. As different as they are, each has found a way to relate that I'm sure will continue after my husband and I are gone. I'm so grateful for that. The Plumb kids, too, have found that sense of family by the epilogue--except for Leo, of course. Being optimistic, I can even imagine redemption for Leo somewhere down the dim future.

Posted Apr. 12, 2017 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

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RE: How do the Plumb siblings' relationships evolve over the course of the novel. If you have siblings, have your relationships changed, or are the dynamics still fundamentally the same?

Agree with linz - well said! I so didn't like them all in the early pages of the book and was relieved that the younger siblings were able to find their own ways once they all realized that The Nest was gone. Without the Nest and without Leo, they could be their authentic selves and became closer for it.

Posted Apr. 15, 2017 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

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RE: How do the Plumb siblings' relationships evolve over the course of the novel. If you have siblings, have your relationships changed, or are the dynamics still fundamentally the same?

The Plumb's relationships got stronger as they began to be more honest with each other. I have a brother and sister and as we have grown we have become closer and more caring about each other and what is happening in our lives.

Posted Apr. 16, 2017 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 07/29/14

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RE: How do the Plumb siblings' relationships evolve over the course of the novel. If you have siblings, have your relationships changed, or are the dynamics still fundamentally the same?

The siblings do seem to have had some affection for each other but The Nest brings out the worst in all of them. Whether it's Leo who gets bailed out by it and could repay the money with his slush fund but doesn't, or Jack who has spent the money before he ever received it and then gets desperate to dig himself out, or the sisters who each have their needs, it would have been better for them all to not have The Nest, or at least not to know about it until it was to be distributed. Money causes so many problems - having enough, too much, nothing - and tends to bring out the worst qualities.

Thankfully, my siblings and I have fairly "normal" relationships with each other over time and distance. I am blessed to have my brothers!

Posted May. 04, 2017 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 07/24/11

Posts: 228

RE: How do the Plumb siblings' relationships evolve over the course of the novel. If you have siblings, have your relationships changed, or are the dynamics still fundamentally the same?

Jack learns to live with himself. Melody learns that being a good mother is about something more than money to put your kids through school. Bea learns how to move on to a new relationship. This happens in spite of the fact that Jack and Bea both lose someone they care about. Melody seems to evolve from caring about things to realizing the people around her are what are important. Leo is the only one that never really changes. He always takes the easy way out.


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